This event is available only to Back Office users.
The <PartnerKey>TalentBenefitEligibleEvent
event is sent to notify the partner that a talent is eligible for benefits enrollment in the partner system.
Event Parameters
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
TalentGuid | UUID | The unique identifier for the talent associated with the event. |
IsEligible | boolean | Indicates whether the talent is eligible (true ) or not (false ) for the benefits enrollment. |
EventName | string | The name of the specific event. The <PartnerKey> prefix in the event name will be replaced with a partner-specific value. |
TenantId | integer | The unique identifier for the tenant (client) for which the request is being made. |
CorrelationId | UUID | A unique identifier for this event. |
BusinessProcessId | UUID | The identifier for the business process associated with this event. |
TargetBusinessProcessId | UUID | The identifier for the target business process related to this event. |
DeduplicationId | string | A unique identifier to ensure the same event is not processed multiple times. |
Sample Event
"TalentGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"IsEligible": true,
"EventName": "<PartnerKey>TalentBenefitEligibleEvent",
"TenantId": 1,
"CorrelationId": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
"BusinessProcessId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"TargetBusinessProcessId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"DeduplicationId": "SSdtIGEgbGl0dGxlIHRlYXBvdCBzaG9ydCBhbmQgc4RvdXQ="
Updated 19 days ago